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You must make payment arrangements for your classes by the payment deadline or risk being dropped for non-payment.

Payment Deadlines

Concerned you can't meet the payment deadline? Please contact the Bursar's Office before the deadline.

View upcoming deadlines

Find Your Balance Due

You can view account activity and balance details in My Finances.

Account Activity
Screen shot of My Finances page
Balance Due
Screen shot of My Finances page showing balance due
Generate a Statement
Screen shot of My Finances page showing how to generate a statement

Ways to Pay Credit Tuition and Fees

The Bursar's Office cannot accept payment by phone.

Pay online by logging in to My Finances with your 赌钱app可以微信提现 credentials. We accept online payments via credit or debit card and electronic check.

Authorized Users can make payments in the Authorized Users Portal. You can find more information including instructions for adding an Authorized User by visiting our Authorized Payments page.

We accept international wire payments online through Flywire. Visit the Foreign Currency for Tuition Payment page. We do not accept domestic wire payments.

Payment plans are offered to help make paying tuition affordable and manageable. 赌钱app可以微信提现 offers payment plans for fall, spring and summer terms.
Accepted financial aid will protect your enrollment on the payment deadline.
Qualified third-party billing will protect your 赌钱app可以微信提现 enrollment on the payment deadline. Email us your authorization today at! It is your responsibility to ensure authorization forms are received on time.

Most 529 savings plans will submit payment directly to 赌钱app可以微信提现. Please request that they include your student ID number and name on the check, so the payment may be properly credited to your account.

Please allow up to three weeks for the payment to be received. Contact our office if the funds will not be received before the payment deadline.

Payments should be mailed to:

Bursar's Office, SC 113, Box 3
12345 College Blvd
Overland Park, KS 66210

As a veteran, service member or qualified family member, you may be eligible for educational benefits. Please complete the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Certification Request and Compliance agreement. Visit the Veteran and Military Resource Center page and select "Enrollment Certification Request Directions."
Complete the Application for 赌钱app可以微信提现 Tuition Assistance at least one week prior to the payment deadline, per HR policy. A new form is required each semester.

Payment by mail is accepted via personal check, money order or cashier’s check. Please allow up to 10 days for mailing time. Contact our office if the funds will not be received before the payment deadline.

Personal checks will be converted to electronic payments. Checks should be made payable to Johnson County Community College. Please include the student’s name and 赌钱app可以微信提现 ID number to ensure the payment is properly credited to the student’s account. See our Returned Checks page for more information.

Payments should be mailed to:

Bursar's Office, SC 113, Box 3
12345 College Blvd.
Overland Park, KS 66210

The Bursar’s Office accepts payment in person via cash, check, credit or debit card, and money order. Please visit us on the first floor of the Student Center during normal business hours.
The eligibility requirements, dates and deadlines are included on the Application for Foster Child Education Assistance (PDF). This form should be completed and submitted to the director of Admissions no later than the payment deadline of the semester in which you plan to enroll. Requirements are in accordance with Senate Bill 85 for children in custody of the Kansas Department for Children and Families and in foster care placement. If you meet all of these requirements, you will be eligible to enroll without payment of tuition.

Ways to Pay Continuing Education Tuition & Fees

  • Pay online with a credit card or debit card. Contact the CE Registration office at 913-469-2323 for questions.